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Illegal and Unlawful and Somehow Still Happening
A former Judge tells us how the law ends, and it’s not losing lawsuits.
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I’m a Federal Worker. You Have No Idea the Irreversible Damage Elon Musk Is Doing. Denise Cana
This judicial review provides at least a reprieve, a small hope that some of the administration’s most destructive impulses will be pared back.
Trump’s Executive Order About Straws Isn’t Really About Straws Anna Gibbs
Although, he is not totally wrong about paper straws.
I Don’t Get a Say in What My Wife Spends Her Money On. But She’s Trying to Control What I Do With Mine. Kristin Wong
She says I didn’t “earn” my recent windfall.
Pete Hegseth Just Did the Funniest Thing Imaginable Kevin M. Levin
It’s Fort Bragg again. So why are Confederate heritage groups so mad?
The Dirty Truth Behind Musk and Altman’s Mud Fight Scott Nover
The boys are fighting again. But this time the stakes are higher.
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